The website is a product of the Verdriet door je Hoofd Foundation.

The board

  • Nel Kleverlaan (voorzitter)
  • Janny Salome (secretaris)
  • Thijs van Vegchel (penningmeester)
  • Bernard Neuhaus


  • Jetty Roedema (verzending)
  • Robin Warnars-Geerlings (social media)
  • Bianca Buren-Kat (bibliotheek)

Graphic design

  • Jof Neuhaus
  • Anne Lammers

Technical realisation

  • Danny Timmer (Madoo)


  • Jof Neuhaus
  • Ien van Laanen


  • Ting Chan

Declaration of interest

When creating products, the members of Stichting Verdriet door jehoofd are expected to provide an unbiased assessment of data and insights, in which all relevant aspects must be addressed and no angles are excluded.

Members of the Foundation represent the various relevant disciplines and areas of interest within the field of psychosocial oncology. Individual members should be aware of potential conflicts of interest due to relationships they may have. The Foundation’s working method is such that the creation of products is a group responsibility. If one of the members has a potential conflict of interest in the development of a product, he or she will leave the meeting during discussion.

For the above reasons, the Foundation believes it is important that society is fully informed about possible conflicts of interest and that it can trust that products are created without unwanted pressure or undue influence on individuals.

Board work is unpaid.